From Boardrooms to Beyond: My Unexpected Spiritual Awakening and Journey

From Boardrooms to Beyond: My Unexpected Spiritual Awakening and Journey 30 Jun. 2024 - Posted by: Punam Agarwal

Many of you know me as an Author, Neostylus Proprietor, Business Potential Maximizer Coach, Motivational Speaker, Corporate Facilitator, or Trainer. But few are aware of my other side: my Spiritual Journey, which I pursued alongside my professional endeavors.

It all began unexpectedly. Picture this: me, lying in a hospital bed due to food poisoning. My soul hovered above, watching my body adorned with tubes while doctors informed my family that the next 72 hours were critical. If I didn’t wake up, they’d consider me dead. My family was in tears, their pain palpable. A voice from within kept offering a choice: live or die? Live or die? Just when the doctor was about to remove my ventilator, I chose ‘live.’ I coughed back to life, leaving everyone stunned and me, well, utterly confused. This life-altering experience kickstarted my spiritual journey.

From that moment, I delved into Plan-chit, Tarot, Globe Oracles, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Numerology, and Astrology. Each practice offered bits and pieces of answers to my inquisitive mind. Discovering Human Design and NLP Techniques was revelatory, and now, Akashic Records provide profound insights into why things happen and my soul’s purpose.

One night, during a Reiki session with my friend Anupama, a soul approached me for help. It was my first glimpse into how meditation works. I realized I could delve into someone’s thoughts, understand their experiences, and foresee their actions. Master Murlidharan reminded me that the choice to help was always mine, based on my comfort level. Unknown Reiki healers appeared in my journey to assist me and then vanished…surprised me times and again.

Pranic Healing, on the other hand, helped me survive multiple accidents. Once, a severe injury to my right hand left doctors predicting lifelong immobility. However, a visit to the Pranic Arhatic Ashram in Pune changed everything. I regained full use of my hand and continued daily chores effortlessly. Master Prakash Balgopal, played a crucial role in my recovery from a road accident that left doctors baffled. His Pranic Healing techniques helped me survive a whiplash injury.

Meditations and Chakra Balancing improved my intuitive powers, allowing me to work energetically despite health issues. NLP Techniques helped reframe life incidents that caused blockages. Inner Engineering Course done at Sadguru’s Ashram in Coimbatore was yet another revelation of its kind which also made me understand besides many other facts how food impacts our way of life. Human Design revealed my soul’s purpose, and Akashic Records provided access to my soul’s records and answers to varied questions.

As the great spiritual teacher Rumi once said, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Awareness of our eternally compassionate spiritual nature can be challenging when facing others in the throes of human reality. How do we love, respect, and appreciate others when they behave badly? As awakening beings, we recognize the light in others but often struggle to connect with them. They might reject us for reasons we don’t understand, despite us seeing potential in them. Simple, right? “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience,” as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin eloquently put it.

Everyone is always doing their best, truly. Every action is an attempt to experience love in all its expressions: acceptance, safety, security, and more. Even seemingly “bad behavior” is an effort to feel better. The deepest motivation is to be loved in some way. So, at the level of motive, everyone is innocent.

Despite being certified in many spiritual tools and helping numerous people (for a fee, of course), my soul-search journey continues. And honestly, isn’t that what makes life so beautifully unpredictable? As Lao Tzu wisely said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”